Baptist Babble or Pepperdine Ponderings?
I am speaking April 21st to the Baptist Communicators Association who will be in Richmond, VA and Washington, DC for a conference and some meetings. (Yep, surprised me too.) What do you think it is important for Baptist communications professionals to know about from our generation's perspective? What do you wish you could tell communications leaders at LifeWay, Baptist colleges, First Baptists, etc? Would be interested to get your input.
I am also speaking this week to a group of Pepperdine college students who in town studying public policy. Anything from a public policy or government-involvement-in-your-life perspective you have learned since graduation that you wished you knew while still in college? Share your thoughts here.
Tell the Baptists that we want meat, and not fluff. We've seen our parent's generation (in some instances) fake their way through church. We are a generation that wants authenticity, even if it's ugly. Be real - that's advice they need to hear.
4/06/2006 9:36 AM
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