G.I. Jeff Reports In -- Man On A Mission: Marriage!
Job at Youth Villages. It has been a great experience and practice to build a set of professional skills. I have worked with some really emotionally disturbed and neglected youth. I currently run a program that serves over 35 youth and consequently have to manager 4 master level counselors, several bachelor level supervisors and then almost 20 more bachelor level staff.
Fiancée. She is actually from Spokane Washington. She moved down here a few years ago and she actually started work for Youth Villages when I met her and started dating. She now teaches 4 years old at private school. She would like to get into international service as well. If you ask her what her mission is, she says" to hold dying babies in africa". She has a thing for dying babies. So we seem pretty well matched in career services.
Wedding. We have dated for about year and half. We are getting married on June 9th this year in Memphis. We are going to try to honeymoon up in Seattle and Canada so we can swing by her family and do a reception of some sort out there.
Take care -
Jeff Edwards
(Jeff’s explanation of why he kept his email address: If you are wondering about the email address, I am not in China anymore. I taught English in China for a while back in 04. Too much trouble to change the address to Jeffednotinchinaanymore, that just seemed pointless.)
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