What's Da Deal With Da Vinci Code?
As you know, the Da Vinci Code movie is released on 5/19/06. I am personally interested in the development and distribution of film, art, and media that celebrates and commends the good, the true, and the beautiful. I am not someone who slips down the slope of fundamentalism into the mire of boycotts, cynicism, and withdrawl. That said, I will not be seeing the Da Vinci Code. The basic premise and story of the film challenges and contridicts the doctrinal foundations of Catholic and evangelical [read historic orthodox] Christian belief. I would encourage you to do 3 things:
1. EDUCATE YOURSELF about the viewpoints asserted in the film so you can have smart, informed conversations with others about it. Look here www.thetruthaboutdavinci.com and look here
http://www.redeemer2.com/webuploads/RedeemerNewsletter-2004-03.pdf for some information.
2. VOTE AT THE BOX OFFICE with your dollars on 5/19 by going to see another movie. Opening weekend is to Hollywood what the first Tuesday in November is to politicians. Your dollars are your votes.
3. POST YOUR FEEDBACK here to share what you learn, think, know, ask, observe. Disagree. Challenge. Concur. Add. Suggest. Let's think about together how we should learn from this moment in our culture.
I have to agree with Paul and Steve. I haven't put a tremendous amount of thought into it - but that's my gut reaction. I tend to tune people out that criticize books they have never read. I don't know if I will see the movie, but I think the book might be a good read if it is approached as a work of fiction. Paul's idea of borrowing a book is a good compromise of voitng with dollars, yet staying informed. Regardless of our personal reactions, this is providing a wonderful platform for us to clarify the biblical description of Christ - who He is and what He has done. If God can speak through Balaam's ass, he is capable of speaking through a misguided hollywood production.
5/18/2006 9:36 AM
Well put, Chad.
5/18/2006 2:23 PM
I am responding to this very late, but if anyone wants some education on this topic, I wrote my Senior Seminar paper on the Da Vinci Code and put a lot of research into it. If anyone is interested email me at mtsmith10904@yahoo.com.
2/11/2007 9:16 PM
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