Brothers, too often time and space erode the bonds of brotherhood. People move. Mail gets lost. We forget to call. Emails go unanswered. In an effort to connect us together a bit, this blog is a place to share personal news updates, post photos, ponder out loud, muse on theology, share encouragement, and post news on upcoming gatherings.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Things are good here in Nashvegas! Emily and I had our first child in April of last year and love being parents. Ethan will be 1 on April 8th and as you can see, he loves baths! The other picture was us getting our Christmas tree this year at a tree farm.

A year after I left Union, I started working part-time on my Master's in Social Work. I had to quit my full-time job to finish the 3rd year of school. I graduated last May and returned to work for my old company, the Mental Health Cooperative. As you can tell from the name, I work with people who are mentally ill (I like being around my own kind J). Emily taught special ed at Lipscomb Elementary for 5 years, before coming h! ome as a full-time mom.

Feel free to shoot me an e-mail or give me a call sometime. My new e-mail address is (not anymore). My Cell is (615) 293-8755; Home is (615) 445-8957.


Blogger Chad P said...

Dan...don't you know this is is supposed to be a family friendly site. Please don't send pictures of naked people...even if it is your son ;)

1/30/2006 9:26 AM


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