Tennessean Talks To Tennessee College Students About Public Service
Over Veterans Day weekend, I addressed the 37th General Assembly of the Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature (TISL). Since 1966, TISL has immersed college students in state government and legislative procedure by using the chambers of the Senate and House of Representatives in the State Capitol for an annual fall assembly. Students draft, introduce, debate and vote on bills in a session similar to the Tennessee Legislature. Senators and representatives elect officers to guide the organization for the following year. (Many of you may remember myself, Paul Whitt, and other Chops and UU folks being involved in this organization.) Before a few weeks ago, my last time in the Tennessee State Capitol was 8 weeks after 9/11.
5 Challenges to Public Service
1. Globalization, Especially Through Trade
2. Erosion of American Civic Knowledge and Decline of Reading
3. Move From Porches To Portals
4. Massive Demographic Shift
5. The Bureaucracy
2 Popular Responses To Challenges in Public Service
1. Nihilism
2. Narcissism
3 Lessons Learned About Public Service- Principles and guideposts to light the way forward
1. About Others - Everyone Deserves Kindness and Respect
2. About Yourself – Be A Good Servant-Leader
3. About Your Job – Do What You Believe In
"We begin our journey public service simply: if you would serve your nation, begin with your neighbor. Make the commitment to be a contributor, not just a consumer; a citizen, not a spectator. In the end, service is the work of a person, not just a government."