Brothers, too often time and space erode the bonds of brotherhood. People move. Mail gets lost. We forget to call. Emails go unanswered. In an effort to connect us together a bit, this blog is a place to share personal news updates, post photos, ponder out loud, muse on theology, share encouragement, and post news on upcoming gatherings.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tin Man or Iron Man?
To all the triathletes out there, I competed in my first triathlon a couple of weeks ago and had a blast. It was a 400 yard swim, 12 mile bike, and a 5k run. I beat my goal by five minutes coming in at 1:15:20, finishing 34th overall. I need some work on the transitions as I almost added 4 minutes to my time, but overall feel pretty good about the tri. I am definitely hooked, but I am afraid I might be done for the year due to a recurring knee problem that might need some resting. I know some of you are competing in an Iron Man. I would love to hear how it goes.

Yours Truly,
(The Other) Michael W. Smith

Thursday, May 24, 2007

WELCOME, Caiden Paschall Wilson!

"Sab's blood pressure spiked at week 35 after an otherwise healthy pregancy. She got put on bedrest for three weeks (good times) We decided with the doctor to induce on Wed, May 16. She surpisingly went into labor 4 hours after we got there. 8 hours later (following 2 minutes of pushing), we met Caiden Paschall Wilson for the first time.

It's been a long road for us. We are thankful that despite the challenges, God has been faithful. He always is. We are celebrating His goodness."

Chad P.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Hey guys, I hope this email finds you guys doing well. This is just a note to tell you all that we have now set up a blogger account in order to help people keep up with us a bit better. If you want to see it, go to Anyway, we're going to try to keep it updated with pictures, videos, etc. as we get ready to move overseas and once we're over there. Have a good day. Let us know what you've been up to.

Grace and Peace,

Dan, Tami, and Zeke