Brothers, too often time and space erode the bonds of brotherhood. People move. Mail gets lost. We forget to call. Emails go unanswered. In an effort to connect us together a bit, this blog is a place to share personal news updates, post photos, ponder out loud, muse on theology, share encouragement, and post news on upcoming gatherings.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Here in Memphis, I am serving as Assistant Pastor at South Woods Baptist Church. Jolie works as a mommy, and is a great help to me. The boys are doing great.Adoniram (Adon for short), is 2.5, and Eli is 15 Months.

(Sorry, I had problems uploading the photo - Josh)

Monday, October 08, 2007

Not Joshin' Ya: More Info From Josh Moore

Bonnie and I had a baby on December 18th, 2006 – a healthy, growing, talking 9 month old Girl named Marianne Elizabeth Moore.

My insurance firm where I work was acquired by First State Bank (headquartered in Union City, TN) back in March 2007. I now serve as Regional Agency Manager for Weakley and Obion Counties, TN. Check out the First State Website at

I am most likely going to start getting my Masters of Business Administration from the University of Tennessee at Martin starting in the Spring Semester of 2008. I have to take the GMAT in a month. I was attending Southern Seminary for a couple semesters, but dropped that to focus on education that will directly impact my insurance career.

I am currently the Vice President of the Martin Rotary Club and will become the President of the Martin Rotary Club in July 2008. Check out that website at

Also, I am still the bi-vocational minister of education at DFBC (Dresden First Baptist Church). Check out our website at for more information there. We are currently in an expansion project that will increase our sanctuary seating capacity to about 500.

Email change: personal email is

Mooney Makes Headlines (In A Good News Story)

We just moved into, as William would say, a "hooose" here in Mtn. Home. The law practice is rolling along, I recently defended a teacher and the case made the state paper -thankfully we won. Rachel now outranks me as an officer in the Lions Club, but that is okay because my title of Tail Twister is funnier than Secretary.

I'm a member of the advisory board of the Salvation Army here and chairman of its Planned Giving Committee. Rachel is teaching piano to several students now and they seem to like it, they keep coming back. William is practicing for the Olympics by leaping off of furniture, climbing up ladders, and throwing everything he can reach. I now know why pet monkeys are not a good idea.

Clark (Not Griswold)

Life is good here in Nashvegas. After three years of intense course study I am now billingual (English/Spanish) which has already proven useful with parents of hispanic students. - not to mention Los Portales!

Heather and I are expecting our first - a girl. We will call her Emily Morgan Clark. She is due to be born January 24th. Nursery and other asundry preperations are underway.

The band is doing well. They came in 2nd at a major competition a few weeks ago, and received excellent ratings at the Middle Tennessee Band and Orchestra Festival.

Heather is taking masters classes at Trevecca trying to get her teaching liscense to join me in the education profession. She is juggling a job, pregnancy, and college - what a multi-tasker!

That's about it for us in the Clark Clan. Life is good, and we are enjoying the American dream.

Email Adam at

Friday, October 05, 2007

West Wing Whitt?
Paul and Courtney are enjoying their new home that they had built in Jackson, TN. Is it true that the master bedroom is in the west wing of the house? :) Just kidding.

Caiden Wilson - Keepin' it Cool....

Son of Chad and Sabrina Wilson